[Îzbekcha] 🇺🇿
Gap Tuz ўyiniga hush kelibsiz!
Sўzlarni tugri tartiblastiring va haplar ҳosil qiling.
Ozingiz qizikkan bўlimni tanlang:
- Makol
- Tarikh
- She'r
- Tilshunoslik
- Aphorism
- Adabiyot
- Geography
- Topishmok
- Iqtisod
- Mumtoz
- Psychology
- Din
kulfni ochib, keyingi boskichlarga ўting.
Zhumbokni echa olmasangiz, dustingizdan yordam oling.
[Russian] 🇷🇺
Welcome to Gap Tuz.
A puzzle from the “Word Games” genre, where you need to connect words and find a sentence from a set of these words.
Choose the sections that you like most:
- Proverb;
- Literature;
- Puzzles;
- Poem;
- Linguistics;
- Story;
- Aphorisms;
- Geography;
- Psychology;
- Religion.
When you can't solve a puzzle, use the hints or ask your friends for help.